Blog Posts

The conent on this page is pulled in from the markdown files in the content folder with graphql. Those markdown files can be generated with a headless CMS.

Title: Using a html img tag

Posted: 18 06 2020

Snippet: Let's learn how html images work! The common image types (such as png and jpg) are supported in most browsers. There are lots of css properties that can be applied to images to make them look even better.

Title: What is gridsome

Posted: 16 06 2020

Snippet: Gridsome makes it easy for developers to build static generated websites & apps that are fast by default 🚀

Title: My first post!

Posted: 12 06 2020

Snippet: I'm baby selfies try-hard cray, poutine cliche butcher skateboard ramps DIY vape flannel air plant williamsburg vegan fanny pack. Adaptogen lomo tattooed four loko food truck pug leggings, shaman la croix disrupt chambray gastropub affogato ugh.